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RIBtype® is an interchangeable rubber stamp system of ribbed-back type for printing dates, codes, and other information that changes frequently.

RIBtype Type

RIBtype® type are the pieces of the interchangeable letters, numbers, dates, logos, and mats that are used to create your stamp.

Fonts (often called sets) = Sets of individual characters used to create your messages. Available in several styles, sizes, and assortments.

Office Kits = Complete quick-start set that includes a set of letters/numbers, handle stamp, tweezers, and ink pad.

Date Sets = Excellent for date coding, complete date sets allow even faster changes with less possibility for error since they include the months JAN-DEC, dates 01-31, and 4-digit-years (i.e. 2020) as full pieces.

RIBtype type are the pieces of the interchangeable letters, numbers, dates, logos, and mats that are used to create your stamp.

A Style Set - Regular

RIBtype type are the pieces of the interchangeable letters, numbers, dates, logos, and mats that are used to create your stamp.

U Style Sets - Bold

RIBtype type are the pieces of the interchangeable letters, numbers, dates, logos, and mats that are used to create your stamp.

B Style Sets - Condensed

RIBtype type are the pieces of the interchangeable letters, numbers, dates, logos, and mats that are used to create your stamp.

Date Sets

RIBtype type are the pieces of the interchangeable letters, numbers, dates, logos, and mats that are used to create your stamp.

U Style Sets - Bold

RIBtype type are the pieces of the interchangeable letters, numbers, dates, logos, and mats that are used to create your stamp.

Custom Type

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