Laser marking of pipes, cables and extrude by Macsa id
Macsa id success story in the construction and electronics markets
Country: Mexico, Spain and Israel
Industry: Industrial
Application: irrigation pipes
Substrate: Virgin polyethylene
Laser Solution: F-9030 PULSED UHS
Company intro and history
NaanDanJain Irrigation Ltd is a global producer leading supplies of personalised irrigation solutions with over 80 years of experience. The company prides of having a wide range of technology with an excellent cost-benefit ratio and customised technologies to the specific requirements of its customers in more than 100 countries worldwide.
The challenge
The NaanDanJain (NDJ) group was looking to implement a reliable coding system for its irrigation hose manufacturing process for different production sites worlwide. The differences on thickness and production line speed made it more challenging:
Range of piping length is variable from 10m to 30m between markings.
Continuous production (24/7) in all factories of NDJ group.
Laser marking in dynamic up to 250m/min.
Marking was composed by alphanumeric characters in in 5mm x 15mm size message including following information: company name, product model, manufacturing time, date and batch number. The message was to be permanent and readable for product traceability along its lifetime even when irrigation pipe is installed in the harsh environmental conditions in the field.
Macsa id solution
The laser solution installed was the F-9030 Pulsed UHS, which marks up to 250 m/min. Two machines were installed, allowing the factory to print at different speeds for different types of product and production needs.
The permanent marking, very cost efficient laser performance and the low cost of ownership makes the solution proposed by Macsa very interesting and were the main factor what NaanDanJain considered to decide for Macsa ID solution proposed.
For NaanDanJain, quality is the utmost importance. The contrast, quality and reliability of Macsa ID products can perfectly warranty the quality on NaanDanJain products.
“We decided on laser marking because of its reliability when marking our product.
The benefit we value most is the type of marking to ensure the traceability of our product. It gives us full confidence that our brand will not be erased during the production process, in order to serve the client correctly.”
Laser marking on polyethene, whether in irrigation pipes or in other applications such as cables, extrudates … requires high permanence requirements to withstand the conditions of use to which they are subjected. Are you looking for the best marking solution for your application? Contact us to find the best solution.