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JustRite metal self-inking stamp


JustRite metal self-inking stamp

All Metal Self-Inking Plain Stamps
Four sizes of metal self-inking Plain Self-inkers are available. These heavy-duty units are built to last. Large plastic handles and high-quality foam pads are standard with each unit. Note the new SI-105 the largest Plain Self-Inker ever made.

Die Plate Selfinkers with Plain Die plate
Full-metal plain self-inker of high quality, solid construction. Quality that will last forever! Stamped is always clean and sharp because printing die is guided straight down to substrate or product. Ideal for heavy-duty or with aggressive inks (all metal pad holder, no plastic). Choose from any of the 4 sizes available.

Four sizes of metal self-inking Plain Self-inkers are available. These heavy-duty units are built to last. Large plastic handles and high-quality foam pads are standard with each unit. Note the new SI-105 the largest Plain Self-Inker ever made.


Stamping Area


Four sizes of metal self-inking Plain Self-inkers are available. These heavy-duty units are built to last. Large plastic handles and high-quality foam pads are standard with each unit. Note the new SI-105 the largest Plain Self-Inker ever made.


Stamping Area


Four sizes of metal self-inking Plain Self-inkers are available. These heavy-duty units are built to last. Large plastic handles and high-quality foam pads are standard with each unit. Note the new SI-105 the largest Plain Self-Inker ever made.


Stamping Area


Four sizes of metal self-inking Plain Self-inkers are available. These heavy-duty units are built to last. Large plastic handles and high-quality foam pads are standard with each unit. Note the new SI-105 the largest Plain Self-Inker ever made.


Stamping Area


JustRite metal self-inking stamp

How to use it?

Justrite self-inking stamp

Justrite is the number one self-inking stamp for coding and marking by manual stamp.

JustRite metal self-inking stamp


3mm Letter & Figure, 2 Lines

JustRite metal self-inking stamp


8mm Figure, 1 Line

JustRite metal self-inking stamp


3mm Letter & Figure, 3 Lines

Stamped/Printed Samples by JustRite

Stamped/Printed Samples by JustRite


Single Line, Retort Pouch

Stamped/Printed Samples by JustRite


Single Line, Metal Can

Stamped/Printed Samples by JustRite


Single Line, Plastic Bag

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